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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

See the Signs

Signs can be seen in almost everywhere. We see them in the street, in offices and in different institution. Different sign signify varied meanings, and elicit different responses by people who perceive them. Perceptions, regarding them either are positive or negative; it all depends upon the intensity or impact of given sign to a particular person or group. Some signs however are not visible to the eyes. They are not seen on placards nor displayed in the street. These invisible signs can only be perceived through introspection. Signs give direction, they teach, they inform they warn; but they are oftentimes taken otherwise since they are usually viewed as obstruction.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Gender issue

One big gender issue is the trafficking of women done through the sex trade. Women-trafficking is also manifested in the mail-order bride especially in my country; “Philippines” and the plight on every on woman who working as overseas contract worker.

Hopefully, the increasing consciousness on gender, on the struggle for women’s emancipation, for the liberation of men is the sign of the new period in my country.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

When children accused crime

When children are accused of a crime, the focus should be on treatment and rehabilitation to help them lead normal lives later. When child victims cannot go to court unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, they have a right to file a compliant alone. Abandoned, neglected, abused, or exploited children must know that they can turn to school and church authorities, social workers, government officials, and the police for help.

Parents’ Affection

Sometimes, children compete for their parent’s love and attention. For example, when a child is given a new toy, a dress, or other personal belonging, the other children may feel upset and jealous, this schemed is natural to many brothers and sisters. When jealousy gets the better of your brother or sister, try to help them get over it. Find activities that you can do together and explore areas where he or she can express his or her own special talents and skills. Motivate them to develop their own interest and to stop trying to deprecate you. Be generous with positive of inspiring comments especially when they have done something noteworthy. Such comments may do wonders.

What community?

Several approaches to the study of communities have been adopted. Each of these approaches emphasizes a particular aspect of community life. The community as a territorial unit, people think of their community as the physical place of geographic environment in which they live. This place has both personal and shared meanings for the inhabitants. This sense of sharing a common are that may have specific name and a unique identity is the territorial aspect of the community.Many communities are located in certain geographical areas because the characteristic of that environment has attracted people. For instance, natural recourses such as timber, and coal mined may lead to the development of a community, for the people may want to get quickly and easily from their place of resident to their jobs and shops.

First time blogger

Today, I discovered the best home-based work without any hassle. With the help of internet the most powerful tool of business today. But at this point, I don’t know what to do, to how earn my revenue to support my daily needs as a student and to my one and only mother, who help me every time I need her. And I know, this lack of knowledge about this kind of business is a big deal to me, because I have to know what the best things to do are or the techniques that I have to know.

I spend the whole of my day on searching over the internet to gain knowledge about this, and to overcome my fear of losing. Because I know, how do I’ll succeed without giving any try, am I right? And today, my journey to be blogger is just begun. I hope I can surpass this.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to be paid blogger

Are you still eager to be paid blogger? But you don’t know where to start right? But does not a problem, because the e-book of blogger-in-action will teach you till you transform to professtional blogger! And you will start blogging sooner than you think.

They are over 14 million people who are promoting or advertising their business, connection with other people and family, and sharing thoughts and feeling through blog. That is why this book was design to help people start a blogger account, create content, build an audience, and make money blogging. You can learn this without any taking learning program.

Buy it now! before you get late.

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